How to Adopt a Positive Business Mindset

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A positive business mindset can help you win in business, and nowhere is this more true than on Amazon. Almost everyone you know could start in an online business if they put in the work, but they choose not to. They think of all the things that could go wrong, and are ultimately too scared to even begin.

Sure, there’s a lot that can go wrong on Amazon: intellectual property infringements, lost shipments, Chinese suppliers going dark, suspended FBA accounts…. These things can happen.

But focusing on the possibility of the negative keeps your business stagnate.

Instead, you need to build a strong mindset—a foundation that can handle anything that Amazon throws your way.

What is a positive business mindset?

A positive business mindset simply means thinking positively about your business, rather than getting bogged down in negative thoughts.

When we think negatively, we shut ourselves down to opportunities and solutions.
We’re unable to see the path ahead and can easily get stuck. On the contrary, positive thoughts open up the human mind’s capacity for more creativity and innovation, which is essential in business. A positive business mindset is simply a “can do” attitude.

“Little minds are subdued by misfortune… Great minds rise above them.” – Washington Irving

New age spirituality is all the rage these days. But don’t worry, we’re not talking about crystals and chakras. Creating a positive business mindset is a very real, very practical thing that people from all walks of life are wise to practice.

How can you develop a positive business mindset for selling on Amazon?

There are many different daily practices that you can do to work on your mindset. Unless a person is extraordinarily lucky or talented, most success is a result of hard work and mindset. If you don’t think a business goal is possible, then it isn’t. But if you believe something is achievable, then your mind naturally wants to discover how to achieve it.

Eliminate fear

One of the most critical steps is to eliminate fear. Fear is nature’s way of protecting us. But what if all your fear doing is protecting you from creating a 7-figure brand?

Always listen to your fear and see if it’s substantiated. Most of the time, however, it is just a block. Are you afraid of getting your account suspended? Of losing your investment? Ask yourself what is the worst case scenario? What would happen if your fear came true?

For example, if you are afraid that the $3,000 you will spend on a new product will be lost forever, remember that so long as you know how liquidate (lower the price on Amazon, or remove the inventory and sell elsewhere), everything will be okay.

Listen to the fear, resolve the “worst case scenario,” and then let it go so you can move on with your business plan.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

Ever wonder why masterminds and group coaching are so popular? It’s because most of us are surrounded by everyday, 9-5 working people. Our friends and family have regular jobs and they simply don’t understand the opportunities that exist with FBA. They just don’t get it.

It can be frustrating to have your ideas, business plans and goals shut down by people who are uneducated about selling online. Yet it happens all the time.

That’s why developing a positive business mindset requires that you spend some time with people who are doing the same. Hang out with other online entrepreneurs in a mastermind group or meet other successful FBA sellers at a top conference.

Increase your energy

The majority of FBA sellers still have a day job. Maybe their FBA business isn’t big enough to quit, or maybe they want to keep their professional career intact while selling on Amazon on the side, like 7-figure seller and corporate lawyer Ryan Rigney.

Needless to say, selling on Amazon when you have a full time job requires a lot of time and energy.

To cultivate a strong mindset means you need to protect your time and energy. What drains you? Certain activities might be robbing you of energy. Maybe it’s time to outsource social media or customer interactions. Do what you can to remove activities that drain you and increase those that you bring you energy. Habits like exercising and eating well can make a huge difference in your personal performance, and thus your business.

Choose gratitude

You know those people that never have enough? The ones that want more, more, more and never stop to appreciate what they have.

Being positive in your business does NOT mean blindly striving or achieving. You should pace yourself and celebrate existing wins.

Why? Being grateful for the success you have can actually lead to more success faster than if you were to continue focusing on what you lack—or being jealous of another seller.

Consider what Rigney has to say about focusing on customers:

About a year ago, I really made a mental shift…focusing on having conversations with customers, making them 100% happy, answering every question that pops up on [the] product pages. Every time somebody leaves a review, thank them, comment on it. We respond to everything. We’ve definitely seen results from that…huge ROIs.

If he were to focus only on the customers and prospective customers he DOESN’T have, then he wouldn’t have focused on the customers and interactions he already does have. Being grateful for your existing level of success (even if it’s not where you want to be), can help you reach your goals faster.

Gratitude helps the mind relax, and in this state the mind is better suited for innovation and change. Whereas when we focus on what we don’t have, we can become more frantic and less adept at improving our business processes.

So when you’re reaching for the next level, always take a moment to appreciate where you are currently. Then, you’ll calmer and more prepared to see the avenues that can take your business to new heights.

Have you improved your business mindset as a result of selling on Amazon? Let us know in the comments below!

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